Thursday, 25 September 2014

14FOR14: 5 things I'm loving lately

September has been quite wonderful and FULL of activities for me. I've had this post in my head for about 2 weeks now just didn't get round to typing it till now...

This post was inspired by a post I read a while ago on Cassandra's blog here on the things she was loving lately too. So here are my 5

 1. Marc Jacobs Lola

 I got this perfume as a birthday gift and I'm so loving it right now :)!
2. My Hair
I finally got round to doing straw curls. Wondering what that is? Well its the reason why straws are finding themselves roped into ladies hair drama. My brother says he doesn't get why the ladies at work are doing it and now his sister too has joined 'em. *yimu*. I'm enjoying the bouncy curls and how my hair is off my neck. At the same time... its been raining a lot of late so I don't know how long I'll be able to pull it off :(

Although mine involved me getting into a

3. My Love letters... Can't explain it but the things I had been reading in THE BOOK of late have been very personal and mind blowing. *lovestruck* He just knows how to make me blush n'all.

4. My "Jimmy choo's"- Lool! I'm kidding buh I'm loving my new gym shoes :)! I love looking at them when I  work out. So I guess they are secretly a motivating factor for me to stay fit. Don't judge me :p

Last but not the least

5. I really didn't want to fall any one's hand so I'll live up to my reputation of being a foodie (according to two of my blog readers)..... GRILLED GIZZARD & SNAILS. 

He answered, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Luke 10:27 (NIV)

