Sunday, 6 November 2011

>>>>Recent trend

  Hiya! So it has come to my notice that my wonderful blog readers (you included) have stopped commenting on my posts. You just read and then leave without even a word or phrase *sobs*. It's not fair o! especially those of you who subscribe via email... I'm honoured that you read my posts and subcribe to it but i also loooove reading your comments too.
 Cant count how many people have told me sorry about the sudden demise of my friend (from my last post) that i have started feeling bad for not being clear... I lost my friend due to irreconcilable differences and not death.
Oh! By the way, I've accepted a challenge from a fellow blogger to write an action story. For those of you that know me, you are aware of my aversion for action movies, novels and stories... So this is a Big deal for me! Keep your fingers crossed...


  1. Awww sorry dear. I'm guilty of this tho....

  2. Thanx a lot! I feel much better already:)!

  3. Lol about the non-death loss. Make a whole different kind of sense when read back. I'm halfway through writing my action/sci-fi story and it's so difficult! I'm looking forward to reading yours.

  4. Whew! So glad I'm not alone in dis... but my case is worse o! I haven't decided the plot yet *covering eyes*

  5. first time im visitin..i'd be back when i've read a few posts :)

  6. Looking forward to your visits...:D!

