So its just been approximately four months since I started my Service year and a lot has happened. I hope to share them in bits someday. Anyways here are the myths and the reasons why they are myths:
Myth #1: Corp Members don't like their names. According to this myth, we prefer being called 'corper', 'kopa' or my personal fave "ajuwaya" which is a military term for 'as you were' (a.k.a return back to your original position; mostly used on the parade ground). However contrary to this myth, I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't prefer the name they were given at birth to ajuwaya. I wish I could find a way to convey this message to the teachers in my staff-room; they keep yelling corper and ajuwaya in my direction *sigh*.
Myth #2: Corpers are Jobless! There are two sides to this myth.
-The first interpretation is that corpers have noting better to do at any point in time so feel free to waste their time. I get this a lot especially on general cd days and when we are made to attend seminars or lectures. Last month I got to my Lga around 8am and after waiting for two hours and the lady in question hadn't shown up I left. I went back later in the week and a lady in the office said to me "You should have waited that day because she came after you left." I asked her what time and she said around 12noon! Imagine! *angry face*

-The second side is that we are literally jobless and would do anything for a job. One day while commuting I met a man. I was wearing NYSC uniform that day so he started the convo with the usual 'corper' and 'ajuwaya' greeting. At first, I tried my best to be polite and nod at certain intervals during his monologue but it didn't last long. The major issue was that I couldn't interpret or comprehend half of what he was saying. He was speaking "English" or at least a version of it. He started hitting on me but noticed that I had zeroed out. So he goes ahead to play his trump card... he tells me that he can offer me a job in his office. For in his mind corpers are jobless so offering me a job will make me take him seriously! Joker! I can't remember what I told him but I'm sure I busted that myth for him.
Myth #3: Corpers are broke and always in need of a free ride. This myth annoys me a lot except if I am talking with my father in that case it is a FACT! Lool! But seriously I will soon pour dirty mop water on the next car and its driver which stops in front of me on the road. Ki lo de? That is how one day when I decided to do a long walk home, a guy came to chat me up and had the audacity to tell me that he can give me transport money! I just thank God for Jesus because only God knows what I would have done to the guy. The best way to bust this myth will be to go to any lga on a general cd day and see the traffic caused by corpers and their various rides or to carry out a study of the price tags of their various weaves, gadgets and toys or attend any of their beach outings/parties.
Myth #4 Corpers are enjoy being cheap labour . Do I need to explain this myth? I'm sure you've seen the job ads or broadcast messages specifically requesting for Corp members to fill in a position. Let me explain what it means... It means that the employer has a ton of work to be done but he wants to be cheap and pay less that the minimum wage. The justification is that at least he is paying more than the 'allowee' and what most schools are willing to pay. The answer to this myth is more environmental than sociological. More a case of crayfish bending because of condition. Corpers hate being cheap labour but often times settle for it when they lack alternatives. All part of the hustle.
Myth #5 Corpers are gullible and can buy anything. I cannot mention all the things and businesses people have attempted to sell to me in the past 4 months. Its incredible! If its not an MLM, its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or a portable gas cooker (please ask me why I need to carry my gas cooker with me everywhere o!) or an ever lasting shoe polish or some random accessory. I've mastered the 'No thank you' face. This myth has been busted several times but yet it still exists because once in a blue moon, a corper does the unthinkable and patronizes a 'seller' hence the need to bust it again. Sad right? Oh well what can I say?
...With these few points of mine I hope I have been able to Convince you and not Confuse you that these 5 myths about Corpers are myths ;)!
Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through your law.
Psalm 119:29